
If God has done something for you through this ministry, we want to rejoice with you and share it with others! Please click the button below and share your testimony with us!

When God is doing great things in people’s lives – we want to celebrate and share!
Here are some testimonies of lives changed through the ministries of Faith Landmarks.


On account of mt Mayo Clinic training, I am a believer in medically verifiable healings. It is also very important to be completely truthful when you share a testimony.

On Sunday evening – January 7th, you were led of the Lord to speak briefly on healing and to lay hands on those who needed healing. I was one of those. Had a very serious problem – inflammation of the retina following routine cataract surgery. My eye doctor referred me to a specialist because there was a possibility I would have to have expensive and very dangerous retina surgery. That Sunday evening, you laid hands on me and prayed for me. Never asked me what the problem was. I felt I received a touch from the Lord.

Today, I was examined by retina specialist, Dr. Khan, at the Virginia Eye Institute. He informed me there had been significant improvement in my eye and completely ruled out any need for any surgery.

Thank you for being His instrument. God still does answer prayer.

Arthur G.

Bioterrorism/Biological Warfare Scientist, U.S. Dept. Homeland Security

I’ve been believing God for healing in both of my big toes. After having stubbed them many times over a course of 15+ years, I was unable to wear heals, only flats & even at that it was excruciatingly painful to the top of my bones of my big toes, making it feel as if the toe(s) were going to split in to. I had been believing God, confessing the word over my situation & stating that “I am going to be able to wear heals again.” It was on 5/21/23 during an AM service that Pastor Cherie prophesied & called out healing for sores on feet. I caught a hold of that & received my healing. It wasn’t until about a month later that I challenged myself to step into a pair of high heels that I had bought some time ago but couldn’t even wear. Amazingly to my astonishment I was able to put them on, stand & walk! I now have restored toes & feet in Jesus Name! To GOD be the GLORY!

I had been experiencing back & leg pain that only grew worse over time as a result of 2 bad falls.

The first fall occurred in 2006 not long after we moved into our new home. Unfortunately I fell from the top of the stairs all the way down to the landing area on my back. After being seen by my physician & going through prescribed exercises, the pain went away. The next really bad fall occurred in mid 2019. I was heading up a steep concrete driveway with an armored computer in my arm to meet with a client when my left foot hit the curbing. Within seconds I fell face forward. The impact was so forceful that it flipped me over onto my back. I didn’t realize how bad of an impact I had experienced until the very next day when I unzipped my computer case & tried to open it up. The entire bend of the computer was damaged not allowing it to be pulled open at all or even to turn on.The day before at the time of the fall, I was supernaturally able to pull it out & go through my client presentation without any issues at all. Fast forwarding to most recent years I started experiencing chronic back & leg pains from that incident so much so that my walking was very challenged, pains were shooting across my lower back & down my right leg. Once again I had been believing & standing on God’s word for my manifestation. My healing manifestation came as I stepped up to the challenge & helped with the Rebuild America black top painting project in June 2023. After agreeing to help, the pain intensified & the leg felt as if it would break into. A few days before the start of the project, my husband had to put me in bed & get me out of bed. I was determined to go forward regardless of the outcome. I managed to go on the first day, not knowing how I would be able to move around or get my body up from off of the blacktop. At the end of the day the pain lessened a lot & I was able to walk a lot better! I said “Thank you Lord, I’m not hurting!” After the end of the next few days of going out & helping the pain was completely gone & I was able to walk normally again! Praise be unto God for he is my healer!


My 23 yr old finally got his heart transplant and is responding well. To God be the glory!!🙏🏽

We’ve been believing for a supernatural miracle in our Son’s Head. The size of his soft spot was too big for his age and his was rapidly growing.
After 6 months of going to Appointments, and having X-rays, ultrasounds, and an MRI – We received a report today that his Head is perfectly normal and the doctor was shocked that his soft spot shrank in just a week and a half. We no longer have to go to the children’s hospital or have extra appointments.

God is faithful!


The Lord God Almighty spared my son’s life early Friday morning 5/5/2923 after accidentally ingesting 3 big gulps of anti-freeze which was in a Gatorade bottle & was thought to have been that. After being in ER for quite a while & then finally getting seen, medical science was confounded at the fact that he should have been dead already. With a BAC of 778, kidney levels down to a very, very low level, the blood congealed so much so..it was stated by the doctor “it was like a dime trying to go through a pin size hole. After numerous blood tests; about 20 in fact, they couldn’t get the results of the blood work in which they sought so they had to call Poison Control to even know how to begin to treat him. He was able to text us to let us know after about 10 hours being there that they were yet working on him & declared that “All is well!” I thank God for the blood of Jesus that was running through my son’s veins until medical science could properly diagnose & treat him. I’m truly thankful for God’s divine protection & intervention as his kidney levels did return to a more normal state & to the doctors’ amazement he didn’t have to have dialysis to get the poison under control. God supernaturally protected my son’s organs. Praise Be Unto God!

The Lord has blessed me for the second time of a kidney transplant 05/04/2023. My first kidney/pancreas transplant was 1996. The first kidney lasted 25 years the pancreas is still going 1996 haven’t took insulin since I lost the first kidney 2 years ago. Went back on dialysis, now I received another kidney as I stated earlier 05/04/3023 the Lord had given me not only on lease of life but 2 He will do it for you just believe keep the faith and prayer. I was even working g a full time job this time around it was ruff but I made it thanks to God Almighty, glory hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌🙏🏽

The other day several of us came into agreement for an increase of peace over our church family, congregation, etc.

Tonight, I was ministering to a brother at the Royal Rangers ceremony, and we were talking about the book of Acts.

Then, out of the clear blue, he looked at me and said, “You know, brother, I’ve experienced more peace in my life over the last week then I can remember!”

Oh, hallelujah!!! I gave him a big hug and told him that’s exactly what some of us have been praying for.

God is so, so, good…. Know that He loves you, you’re a child of God, you’re made righteous, and let’s boldly confess the word: I have peace with God through, Christ Jesus!!! In Jesus Name ⚔️🛡️🩸🌾

Romans 5:1 – “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Louie T.

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