Campaign Letter
Your Giving Become a Legacy
Wow! 2023 was a powerful and event-filled year.
To recap:
- We started our Invest: It’s Your Future building
campaign - We received preliminary approval from Henrico County for all of our project plans
- Final architectural drawings have been completed for most structures
- We put the entire project out to bid and received quotes from several interested contractors
We also found out that our plan to sequence the project into three years of construction is an advisable approach.
We have learned from past construction projects that it takes at least a year to begin to see progress.
So far, we have managed to pay all the soft costs out of existing cash flow.
We were also reminded that most contractors want to see the
money before they commit to a schedule for construction.

So, the next step for us as a church body is to secure funding in the form of a construction loan, which will most likely come in the form of a letter of credit for the entire project.
We will then begin construction with the
intention of paying as we go.
Most of the “economy” of the project will come to the contractor by the speed of their
construction efforts.
We will break the project into three phases for our economy.
What we will do as a church body is continue to embrace the promises of God by faith and watch His power meet us as we give.
Like the small boy’s lunch, we have the
privilege of watching multiplication of our
giving, just like the loaves and fishes were
multiplied to feed the multitudes of people.
For some, this is the thrill of a lifetime – To watch a miracle take place before our very eyes.
Invest brings to mind a process that involves a decision, then an action which leads to a
long-term goal being achieved.
Some of us have been a part of this process many times before.
Repeated experiences of trusting God builds our faith that this endeavor will be a success!
The result will be a fully built-out facility and grounds that will be useful for this congregation to have our dreams fulfilled.
As we said, Our future is to prepare a place for
ourselves and future generations to use as a tool to reach and disciple many generations to come.
At this point, as we continue to ready ourselves, we are asking you to get into your prayer closet and hear what the Lord would have you do.
We will then, as a congregation, make a faith
commitment on Commitment Sunday, April 28th, 2024. Then, on Victory Sunday we will sow our first seed!
God will multiply our seed sown and the miracle begins. He returns seed to the sower!
Included in this mailing is a commitment card. Please pray over your commitment and come
prepared on Commitment Sunday to begin the process.
We will then watch week by week as the miracle unfolds.
It was in the hands of the disciples that the
multiplication of the loaves and fishes occurred.
Remember, there is always an abundance when God gets involved.
We will continue to sow out of abundance and reap the harvest.
Pastors Randy & Cherie